The Advantages Of Leaflet Distribution in Peterborough in 2018

We are living in the digital age; this isn’t new information to anyone. In this digital age the power of marketing leaflets and leaflet distribution in Peterborough are often overlooked. However leaflet drops in Peterborough can be really cost effective, when done right!

As long as paper is still being used, leaflets will always be an effective marketing tool for your business.

They’re Cost Effective

When you are looking to market locally leaflet distribution in Peterborough is a really cost effective marketing tool for you. While adverts in the local press may be seen, or they may not be seen, your leaflet will be there on the doorstep to be seen; especially if it’s eye-catching and attention grabbing.

They’re Informative

Unlike the word count restrictions with digital marketing, you don’t get these limitations with leaflets. All you need to do is to make sure that your leaflet is visually appealing and well laid out; then you can include as much or as little information as you want.

They’re Visually Pleasing

With leaflets available in different shapes and sizes, a leaflet allows you to really grab the attention of the reader with colour, layout and content. Unlike a paid ad on a search engine, your advert doesn’t look the same as everyone else’s. You can make it stand out and be noticed.

They’re Readable

Your leaflet will be clear and easy to read, with all the information that your reader and target audience need, but it will be laid out in a way that is easy to read and understand. The content you include in your leaflet for leaflet deliveries in Peterborough will be clear and simple so it is easy to read and quick to engage.

They’re Targetable

When you’re looking to get your brand, service or product out locally you will know the sorts of clients you want to work with, and those you don’t want to work with. With leaflet distribution you can choose the areas you want your leaflets distributed. For example, you may be targeting the elderly or families with young children so you can work with a leaflet distribution company in Peterborough to make sure your leaflets are delivered through the right doors, to the right audience.

How To Create Door Drop Campaigns In Peterborough That Get Action

When considering your door drop campaign in Peterborough you first need to think about think about what the purpose of your leaflet distribution campaign in Peterborough is, but also the kind of customers that live in the catchment area that you are distributing your flyers.

The most common reason that businesses run door drop campaigns in Peterborough is to attract the attention of a potential new customer. But let us be honest with you; when you send out a flyer many of them will be thrown in the bin after a quick glance. However, if you ensure that your leaflet screams for attention then achieving a good return on your leaflet distribution campaign in Peterborough may not be as daunting as you first thought.

We have put together some top tips for making your leaflet scream for attention and get noticed by your target audience;

  • Make sure your leaflet has a bold and captivating title
  • You leaflet needs to be put together with clear and strong visuals
  • Use your leaflet to play on human emotions
  • Ensure that your leaflet delivers a strong call to action

Whether you are running leaflet distributions in Sussex, Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, the rules don’t change. When leaflet distributions are carried out the right way you can bring in results you never dreamed were possible.

The biggest mistake that we have seen businesses make is that they try and cram every little detail into their leaflet or flyer and this ends up losing the excitement and interest that less detail could achieve. You need to ensure that your leaflet builds a degree of interest and gives the reader a strong pull to react to your call of action by contacting you, going into your store or checking you out online.

From the very beginning of your door drop campaign planning you need to clearly define your objective and use the campaign to accomplish your goal.

How Leaflet Distribution In Peterborough Can Help Improve Your Business

As a business owner it is always important to consider what you advertise, where you advertise it and how you advertise it. You may or may not have considered using leaflet distribution and leaflet drops in Peterborough as a way to gain new business and brand awareness.

In this blog post we would like to tell you how leaflet distribution in Peterborough can help to improve your business.

There are loads of big businesses out there that use leaflet distribution to help improve their business; just look at the flyers that come through your own door! You’ll see flyers from the local weight loss group, a pizza delivery company, your local estate agents and others too?

Leaflet distributors in Peterborough are a group of people that are used by many of the larger businesses and more successful companies in the local area and they continue using leaflet distribution as a marketing tool because it works!

Leaflet distribution campaigns in Peterborough won’t work for all businesses, but sometimes the quality and style of the leaflet is the reason that leaflet distribution doesn’t work, other times it is because a company plans one leaflet for distribution, minimal sales come through and they think leaflet distribution doesn’t work. Leaflet distribution is not a one-hit wonder.

You need to make sure that you use good quality paper so your leaflet gives a good impression. However, you need to ensure your leaflet isn’t too big or too small either otherwise it may be missed or ignored.

It’s important that the message you want to get across is very clear from a quick glance at the flyer. This message could be a discount, new product, concession, exciting event or anything. Whatever your message you need to make sure it grabs the attention of the audience and your target market quickly.

When you have a brilliant leaflet and you use an experienced and reliable leaflet distribution company in Peterborough you will be able to receive the best possible return on investment through a well thought out and regular leaflet distribution campaign.

Do Leaflet Delivery Campaigns In Peterborough Work?

There is no denying that we are now living in a digital age and it is thought that anything that doesn’t embrace digital is a complete and utter waste of time… which is half true. We have recently expanded from Peterborough and Cambridgeshire to Brighton and Sussex because there is a need for leaflet distribution and in some areas leaflet distribution is a more popular marketing tool that is has ever been before.

We are definitely not saying that you need to give up on online marketing altogether, but very often we are all becoming overwhelmed and overloaded with digital ‘stuff’ and instead of this digital ‘stuff’ being read, people are just clicking that delete button.

The great thing about leaflet deliveries in Peterborough is that leaflets can’t just be deleted; the homeowner has to pick them up and carry them through their home to the bin, if that is where they choose to put them. However, during this journey they will glance at the leaflets in their hands and if the leaflet is eye-catching enough it will be read.

However, when you are looking into leaflet distribution in Peterborough and Hove you need to think about what you are doing. Chucking some leaflets through some doors and hoping for the best is not how you plan a successful leaflet distribution campaign in Peterborough. Instead you need to follow these tips;

  • Think about your business aims and objectives
  • Think about your focus market, where they live and the type of home they live in
  • Then create a planned leaflet campaign strategy to fit with the above

Leaflet distribution and flyer drops in Peterborough is booming and judging by our return in repeat clients it works really well. Most businesses we work with on flyer drop campaigns in Peterborough will report a gain in sales.

You can use leaflet deliveries to work with your digital campaigns to and direct the reader of the leaflet back to your website or social media. Make sure the logo on your leaflet, social media and website match and you’ll notice a growth in traffic to your website and social media platforms.

A good leaflet matched with a good leaflet distribution campaign will lead to reading the flyer, going to the website or social media, making contact with you and this will result in a good sale.

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Get The Most From Your Summer Leaflet Distribution In Peterborough

We won’t shout about it too loudly in case we scare the sunshine away, but spring has finally sprung and summer is just around the corner so we thought we would take this chance to talk about how you can get the most from your leaflet distribution in Peterborough this summer.

It’s a bright, vibrant and sunny time of the year that you are advertising in, so make sure that your leaflets are bright, vibrant, sunny and summery. Using colours like yellow, oranges and purples can be extremely powerful when used the right way. While it is a great idea to use the brighter colours to make your offerings stand out, make sure you don’t go overboard with the ‘loud’ colours as this could work against you.

Think about the images you are using on your flyers for flyer drops in Peterborough; you need to make sure they are bright and colourful images, not an image taken in the rain or with snow on the ground. Make sure the text and colour of your leaflet complement the images on your flyer to really create an emotional connection for your target audience and receivers of the leaflet deliveries in Peterborough.

Don’t go for boring black or grey text on your flyers, brighten it up a bit but make sure the colours can still be seen. While it may be fun to update the font on your flyers, make sure it is big and clear enough for clients to clearly read. If you have a lot of colour on your leaflet already, then why not consider a bold white font on a coloured background?

What Can The DMA Teach Us About Leaflet Drops in Peterborough?

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has completed lots of research over the years and they have heard from hundreds of businesses and consumers about their thoughts and experiences of leaflet distribution and leaflet drops. But what can this research teach us about leaflet drops in Peterborough?

The DMA teaches us that leaflet drops in Peterborough give businesses a unique opportunity to deliver a hard hitting message matched with a call to action and this can be extremely impactful as part of an integrated marketing strategy. A business can use leaflet distribution to run alongside tv and radio ads or to follow up from a campaign message and reinforce the brand and message. Both options will help to achieve high levels of consumer recall and, in turn, higher response rates.

The DMA teaches us that leaflet distribution in Peterborough can be effectively used to fit within television or radio catchment areas, sales regions or event an organisation’s retail territory. Through our leaflet distributors in Sussex you can really pin down the areas you want your business, brand, message, and products or services marketed and promoted.

The DMA proves to us that the biggest benefit of leaflet distribution is that your business, band and message is being delivered directly to the home and into the hands of your target audience, unlike some other media options. With leaflet deliveries in Peterborough you are put directly in control of the targeting and you can set your circulation figure and select the quantity you wish to distribute to which homes. Leaflet distribution in Peterborough gives you the potential opportunity to create something powerful, colourful or impactful that will be easily seen and acted upon when it lands on a consumer’s doormat.

Our business has grown year on year and we have expanded geographically through repeat business, word of mouth and recommendations – if leaflet distribution didn’t work, we wouldn’t be in business.