We are a leaflet distribution company in Peterborough that have been going for many years; we have been a successful leaflet distribution business because we and our clients know that leaflet distributions in Peterborough are effective and they do work.
If you want a successful leaflet distribution campaign in Peterborough for your business and you don’t want your leaflets to end up in the bin, then you need to make sure you don’t put too much information on the leaflets as you run the risk of losing your message and call to action in a mass of copy. Too much content can overwhelm the reader and switch off their attention so your leaflet is taken straight to the bin.
You need to make sure that you have a good design for your leaflet and good copywriting too. It’s not about sticking a bright image under a headline with some words about what you do on a leaflet. You need to think about the layout and typography on the leaflet to make it stand out on the doormat and stand out in their minds; not get dropped off in the bin!
A poor quality leaflet may work out cheaper in the short run, but in the long run it will do you more harm than good! If the leaflet is printed on cheap or poor quality paper then that is the first impression you give the reader of your business; that you are cheap and low quality. While it may cost more to print your leaflet on a higher quality paper, it will help you in the long run.
If you can use a good quality paper, a clever layout and design along with just enough information for the reader to understand what you do and want to find out more then you have got yourself a successful leaflet drop in Peterborough.
Contact us for a quote on delivery your leaflets in Peterborough; we are better value for money than you might think!