How Do You Say Merry Christmas?

We aren’t talking about if you say Happy Christmas, Merry Xmas or Happy Holidays – we mean how do you pass on best wishes to your target audience during the festive period? How do you say thank existing clients and put a nice flavour in the mouths of your target audience at Christmas so they are happy to use your business, services and products throughout the year?

There are three standard options!

  1. Send a Christmas Card
  2. Send an Email
  3. Send a Gift

Bit all of this can be time consuming when you are finding the addresses, putting stamps on envelopes, going to the post office – or sending an email that lands in the junk mail and is never seen again.

So how can SPS Leaflet Distribution help you wish your target audience a Merry Christmas this festive season?

We can deliver your cards or gifts through the doors of your target audience for you. Whether these are Christmas cards, ice scrapers, special offers or gift vouchers. We can help you decide which local areas have your target audience living in them and then we can get your kind wishes through their doors with our leaflet distribution service.

You need to start thinking about Christmas RIGHT NOW and contact us to book your leaflet distribution campaign. You want to get the Christmas goodies out early December so you can be the first to wish your target audience a Marry Christmas, before your competitors get in there!

If you leave it too late you’ll just be another company with another Christmas card or the voucher / special offer won’t be needed as they have done their Christmas shopping already. Get in their early and your Christmas card could be the first one your target audience display in their home, or share a photo of on social media!

Call us now to book your festive leaflet distribution campaign!

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